Saturday, 25 January 2014


The Journey Finally Begins....

‘The path, Mr Hare, is alive.  It controls your destiny.  The only way to beat it is to solve the peffa-ancient riddle of Trefflepugga Path…’

When Matlock the hare’s beloved home of Winchett Dale is threatened by the arrival of a mysterious stranger, the only way he can save the dale is by taking perilous and twizzly journey along Trefflepugga Path – a journey that will test all his majickal abilities to the very limits.

Join Matlock and a freggle of saztaculous majickal creatures, as he sets out along Trefflepugga Path, in an adventure that will change his destiny for ever, from the very first pid-pad he takes.
And then perhaps, griffle yourself the question – just where would Trefflepugga Path take you…?


You'll Chickle...You'll Eyesplash...

You Could Even Cribulate Your Frollops..!


Morn'up all!   

Yesterday was a peffa-ganticus sunturn here in Winchett Dale, and finally saw the sending of my finished manuscript for publication into my most saztaculous and shindinculous book, ever!
At over 120,000 griffles, complete with dozens of crumlushed saztographs, The Riddle Of Trefflepugga Path looks set to become a peffa-majickal experience detailing my saztaculous adventures when I had to pid-pad along the perilous and twizzly path...

Here I am sitting with the dripple after finally checking all the griffles and illuminae to be making sure they are all peffa-perfect for you to be reading and enjoyiing once it be printed.

...and for those of you who want an oidy extra 'taster', here's just one of the saztographic illuminae from the  book itself - me griffling with a colley-rock...

...but to find out exactly what we're griffling about, and just why it is that driftolubbs are so peffa-important, then you'll have to settle down with a crumlush brew, put your feet up in front of the piff-tosh, and dive into the book itself...  'Tis a most crumlushed journey, good friends, and you'll soon be discovering a peffa-lot more about me, majickal-hares and the whole of Winchett dale and beyond...

Hoping all's peffa-crumlushed with you all, and we'll griffle again all too peffa-soon..!

Monday, 20 January 2014


Afternoon'up all, and welcome back to Winchett Dale, on just another typical Sluffsday...(that's Monday to you good and saztaculous folk!)

Before we get to what's been going on this sun-turn, p'raps it would begood for me to be explaining the sun-turns of the week here in the majickal-dales.  They are as follows:

Sluffsday - Monday.

Sramsday - Tuesday.

Midsday - Wednesday.

Bloff - Thursday.

Yaayday - Friday.

Dooday - Saturday.

Scruffsday - Sunday.

But this sun-turn being a Sluffsday, everyone had to sluff back off to doing their chores and work, after the shindinculous Dooday and Scruffsday weekend.  And it already seems a peffa-long time before Yaayday night, and we all get together for guzzworts and general chickling in the Winchett Dale Inn.  You'd like it there, 'tis the best venue for live trinkulah music, and landlord Slivert Jutt always sees us right for a saztaculous even'up, every time...

But back to this sun-turn, and really, apart from  having to collect a limping thwort-frettle and drudge a kettle-bennion that was frankly well in need of a right good neffle-hammering, all was going peffa-well....until it happened...

...there I was, in me potionary, trying to smelt some trikulum for the new kettle-bennion, and  I became aware of a most peffa-strange thing.  My faithful dripple, (wearing Winchett Dale approved safety-glasses, let us be clear on that) made a noise, a tiny noise - what we griffle in the dale to be an 'oidy' noise -  almost as if it wanted to griffle with me.

Now what, you might well griffle, is so strange about that?  And t'would be a peffa-good griffled question - except for the fact that dripples NEVER griffle, ever!  It just doesn't happen!  Yet I clearly heard it do so with my long brown hare's ears, and t'was quite the most shindinculous thing.

I waited until the Trikulum had cooled to see if the dripple would try to griffle again, encouraging it with oidy pieces of lilfrick-cheese, but of the noises, there was no more, yet I definitely heard it, which, whilst not being peffa-saztaculous to you, is really quite wonderful to me, proving I suppose, that sometimes even the most oidiest of things can sometimes give us paws for thought....


Anyway, off to check how my winter-niffs have fared in all this damp, and sincerely hoping all's well with you all out there, wherever you may be.

I just have this oidy growing feeling in my Sisteraculous that the dripple's griffling might well be leading to another one of my saztaculous majickal adventures, peffa-soon...

I'll be sure to let you know....

Friday, 17 January 2014

A Peffa-Shindinculous Welcome to Me First-Ever Saztoblogg!

Some of you might well be wondering just who I am, or how it is that a hare can even hold a quill, well that's because I'm what's known in Winchett dale as a majickal-hare, so some things come more peffa-easily to me than others (notwithstanding vrooshing a glopped-up disidula, which can frequently go wrong, so PLEASE don't try it, unless you have the right hawthorn wand, a grimmut of shruckle-leaves and can stand well back...)

As for where I live, well, that be Winchett Dale, a truly peffa-crumlush place, that if you ever happened to pid-pad to, I'm pretty peffa-sure you'd be quietly enchanted and impressed by - except if you happened to bump into Proftulous, one of my briftest friends, but who frankly could do with eating a few less tweazle-pies and having a bath more than once every few moon-turns...

Anyway, enough griffling for now, here's my home.  Mine's the cottage at the side of Wand Woods...

The Map of Winchett Dale - A Truly Saztaculous Place.

As you can see, `tis a rather crumlush dale, and where might it be?  To find us, you'd have to be pid-padding high in what you call The Derbyshire Peak District.  There, you might stumble upon the oidy beginnings of Trefflepugga Path, which would eventually lead you down into Winchett Dale - if the long, long-nosed krellits don't find you first, of course...

Anyway, less of me griffling, I've work to do in the potionary, but I'll be back peffa-soon in just a couple of sun-turns to let you know all that's going on in the dale - which, at the moment, is quite a lot, I can griffle you that....  And for anyone wondering just what I'm `griffling' about, then you could do no better than visiting me dalespeak griffle glossary at , and learn to be speaking some of them shindinculous griffles yourselves....

Somsup, and crumlush majickal wishes until next time.